"Every flight is an event for me because you never know what will happen!“
By RC Enthusiast - ArthurRC
How did you first become interested in the RC hobby?
I started in 1998 when I was 11 years old in Vosges mountains, Northeastern France, and I still fly at this airfield! I flew only one year then I stop until 2018 when I restarted until now
I saw a video clip on TV “music sounds better with you” by Stardust and that's what made me want to fly RC planes, so I went to a little RC shop and everything started here!

What was your very first RC product? And how did you feel at the time?
In 1998 my first RC plane was a high wing trainer from Thunder Tiger of course made of balsa with a nitromethane engine! I learned thanks to dual transmitter (a wire between my teacher radio and mine).
I was so stressed but so happy on the same time, it was a unique feeling that I can still feel when I fly a new “expensive” plane. It’s a mix of excitement and stress !
And in 2018 when I restarted RC planes, it was a Easyglider from Multiplex and then I bought many others gliders before my first plane in February 2019 (Flightline P-51 1400mm) and my first jet in March 2019 (Freewing Stinger 90mm).
Do you have any advice for friends who want to get into RC? For instance, what knowledge and skills do they need to be aware of?
My best advice is to find a RC plane club around you and talk with people to know everything you need (RC simulator, first plane and radio controller). And don’t try on your own you will crash and loose money…
Start with a RTF (Ready To Fly) small plane but with always a “teacher” next to you.
You don’t need special skills but just a good self-control and be cool and relax that’s the best skill you could have
And you’ll learn all the knowledge by flying and talking with people!

With whom do you usually play RC? And where is your favorite place to have a good time or challenge the game?
I fly with my very good friend Robert who is also my cameraman and what a good one And of course a lot of other friends from my RC plane club in Saint Dié, France. I mostly fly on my initial club with a moss runways that you can see on my warbirds videos, also on my local airport which is at 5min from my house but I have to deal with real planes…And sometimes on an old NATO air base where I flew my turbine T-45.
What does the hobby mean to you?
It means a lot to me because I have always loved airplanes because my grand father was in the French Air Force, so…
And flying RC scale planes is so much fun and what a pleasure to fly beautiful little planes which looks like the real one, that’s awesome, we’re very lucky to have such beautiful foam planes nowadays! And now with my YouTube channel “ARTHUR-RC” I can share my passion all around the world, I can help people through my videos, we can talk about different things and find a way to have the perfect settings on every planes, that’s really really nice ! I will never thank my followers enough for that!
As an RC enthusiast, what channels will you use to hone your RC skills, expand your RC knowledge and scale your fun?
There are lot of RC channels but my favorites are « Two Brothers Radio Control » (my good friend Jon), « Tail Heavy Production », « RC4ever » which is the best freestyle jet pilot ! On these channels you can find really good pilots with nice explanations ! For the fun, the best channel is « Petrincic bros » haha I love these guys so much!
Do you have any recent events, activities (online or offline), accomplishments, etc. to share?
Every flight is an event for me because you never know what will happen! Especially because I fly so many different type of aircrafts, I never get bored…I fly gliders (foam or carbon competition gliders), warbirds (only foam), high wing trainers and of course my favorite type are Jets even if I only have foamies, I love that so much! I’m so proud and glad to be part of the FMS family now, thank you so much FMS, that’s just a dream which came true for me the little Frenchy. A cool event, I will soon make an interview with OpaleParamodels (JETI France) on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arthuraerorc. I finally made my very first turbine jet flight this summer and wow that’s just insane…another world…scary but so so cool ! Turbines are so powerful wow !
1 comment
Cool interview! :D